The on-demand webinar is intended for decision-makers within the business or digitalization domain, who are using digital investments to drive growth.
Digitalization is both forcing and enabling service-selling B2B companies to revise the business model in order to secure growth, profitability and sustainability. Such topics may include; taking a more active stance and assessing the potential in;
In this on-demand webinar we will address:
Webinar recording time 1/10/2020
Let's dissect 'Sales capability’ as a concept and reassess how we can start maturing and evolving within it through the use of everyday tools.
Daniel Eriksson Pitt holds the webinar.
Daniel is responsible for offering & business development and has extensive experience of working with digitalization within service-based organizations. He is passionate about the behavioral changes digital means drive but cautious of the timing and value proposition that they need to possess.