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Needs Assessment Workshop for Dynamics 365 Sales

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Get expert advice about how your organization could improve your sales results with Dynamics 365 AI!

The Dynamics 365 Sales Needs Assessment is an effective  2-4 hour workshop concept designed by Microsoft to help organizations get quick actionable ideas how to improve their sales process and results.

What will you learn?

As a result, your core sales and leadership team will understand the relevant possibilities to improve sales operations and efficiency offered by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and have everything you need to start build a development plan that aligns your business outcomes with your vision.

Who's it for?

  • The Dynamics 365 Sales Needs Assessment is targeted to small and medium sized organizations interested to learn more about the opportunities of Dynamics 365 in improving your sales process and results.
  • We recommend to include your Sales Director, VP of Sales,  other executive-level sponsors, as well as managers, and individual contributors.

How to get started in a few quick steps:

  • Indicate your interest by filling the form
  • Innofactor will validate with Microsoft if your organization is eligible for a Microsoft-funded workshop
  • Our team will in touch with you to book a 2-4h workshop with your key stakeholders that starts with a review of your business objectives
  • During the workshop, our experts will visualize how Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI-solutions like Dynamics Copilot and Sales Copilot can support the key use case scenarios for your organization.
  • As a result, you will get a clear, actionable overview of the workshop findings and recommended next steps of how to start realizing the benefits of Dynamics 365 Sales and its new AI-features like Sales Copilot.

Fill in your contact details and we'll be in touch!


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